Installation Welcome to Docker! This guide will take you through the various mini-tutorials to help you understand Docker. Setup The first step is to ensure that you are on a Windows laptop. Docker does not run natively on Windows or Mac OS X. But help is at hand. All you need to do is use a tiny Linux VM that you can use to run Docker images and container. This tiny VM is packaged in a nice utility called boot2docker and that is what we will install next. From the official Github page , “Boot2Docker is a lightweight Linux distribution made specifically to run Docker containers. It runs completely from RAM, is a small ~24MB download and boots in ~5s”. Update : 15-Aug 2015 : Boot2Docker has now been deprecated in favor of Docker Machine. But you can still go ahead and install Boot2Docker since behind the scenes on Windows / Mac OS, it still runs the Boot2Docker image. So conceptually, everything will remain the same. Check out the home page for more detail
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